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Earth's Kindergarten

I cannot find God's presence until I lose mine. My own thoughts keep me out of the kingdom. Earth's kindergarten is a place or state of unconsciousness where everything is possible but little is accomplished until conscience begins to clean out ego's clutter and simple humility becomes the order of the day. If I want, need, or accept as useful anything not provided directly by God alone, I am not ready for training, not ready to graduate from earth's kindergarten. I am as a babe asleep dreaming away the hours. As long as I drink this cup, I show "the Lord's death till he come," for I am "guilty of the body and blood of the Lord" (I Cor 11:26-27). Christ cannot come into mind until I cease entertaining all false desires, for the Teacher needs my full attention. Only through honest, complete attention am I in a place to hear - ready for instruction.

To ask in Jesus' name is not to ask; it is to receive.

George Denninger ©